Hi, my name is Lisa.
I'm a wife of an incredible man(30+ years), mother of eight, grandmother of 17, and great-grandmother of one. For several years while my family was growing up, I would experiment with making my own products and natural remedies to use in my home and with my family. My poor little guinea pigs! But they all survived and now come to me quite often to ask what to use for this or that. (Even their spouses.) There were and still are lots of "lessons" learned and I think I have found the right combinations for now. I'm sure there will still be tweeks to my formulas as I continue to search and learn more. |
A little
If you have a store and would consider stocking my products, contact me for wholesale information.
So, come on in and look around. If you would like to stay informed of new products or be willing to try some samples in exchange for feedback, enter your email to the right.
Oh, and an apology. Sorry there will not be any sudden pop-ups to ask you to sign up for newsletters and emails or ads lining the pages. If I have to rely on clicks to other pages for revenue, then I shouldn't be here. Besides, those can be down right annoying.